Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 3-4, Santorini

we got up in the wee hours on May 3 to drive 2 hours from Hania to Iraklion & catch a 9:30am ferry from Crete to Santorini.  We were sad to leave Crete. We had a great time there. Learned a lot about the Mineon culture, ate fabulous food & met some friendly, interesting Greeks. It was a huge ferry to Santorini & a nice smooth ride. As we began to see islands in the distance, we could see white on top of some islands. At first we thought it was snow, but as we got closer we realized it was clusters of tiny white houses clinging to the top & sides of the island!  We, unfortunately, arrived not only with a lot of people on our ferry, but also along with a cruise liner that disgorged hordes--and we mean hordes--of tourists. We're staying in Oia (pronounced Ia) on the farthest tip of the island. You'd think there would be fewer of the cruise hordes, but No!  This is where they all want to come because it's the most iconic town of Santorini. The tiny, twisty lanes of the town were so packed you had to just become part of the camera-clicking river of tourists. It was not a good way to arrive! We were feeling that we'd made a mistake in coming to such a touristy place. But, thank Zeus, they all leave around 6pm. Our hotel is one of the clinging-to-the-side of the island places. Everything is painted white-just like all the images you've seen. The ocean is beautiful & the view is spectacular.  Another interesting thing is that there are hundreds of Asian tourists like we've never seen anywhere else in Greece. Many come to get married here & it's quite a production. Some, we think, are on their honeymoons & renacting wedding pictures with long white dresses & tuxedos. Very odd to see when everyone else is in bathing suits & touristy shorts. The 2nd day was much better. The morning was beautiful. It's finally in the mid 70's, sunny & no wind. We walked around Oia & there was almost no one around! Without the hordes, it's easy to appreciate the beauty of the stark white villages & the vibrant sea. Still, this island makes all its money on tourism & there
Views from our hotel patio

are endless shops--some nice, but the majority not. Today we've rented a car to explore the non-tourist side of the island. There are supposed to be some beautiful beaches & we've vowed to swim in the Aegan, even if it's cold! We'll provide documentation! More to follow . . .

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