Sunday, April 12, 2015

Agatha is vindicated

First things first.  Bill confesses error. He doubted Agatha's GPS directives yesterday and tried to follow his own way. Resistance Is Futile!  An agreement with Agatha has been reached and Bill will not do that again.

Today we drove around the west side of Lake  Plastira down to the dam. Beautiful snow-capped mountains, about 5500 feet.  A beautiful sunny spring day in the low 60's. Ventured off the road several times to see smaller villages.  Had a delicious lunch of goat and wild greens at another tiny tavern thanks to our new friends Theddore, Maria, Georgios & Roman (pictured below) The taverna owner spoke no English. Ana exhausted her 11 words of Greek & lunch was nowhere closer. Then, Maria, who speaks at least 4 languages came to the rescue. We know the goat was fresh because I almost drove into a flock of them on the road--in fact they are everywhere. This afternoon late, we watched 2 dogs brings a flock down from an upper pastures, cross a main road & get them all tucked away for the night! Rivers and several streams coming off the mountains.  The place has a real Colorado feel. We leave tomorrow for a short drives to Meteora & the famous monasteries. More to follow . . .

 View from our guesthouse

 Lake Plastira

1 comment:

  1. We are thrilled to be able to follow along on your travels. Glad you are enjoying it!

    Love from the real Colorado,
    Becky and Andrew
